Do You Own A Resort, Or Tourism Venture In Fiji?

And Would You Like FREE Exposure For Your Business, On This Website?

If you answered yes to both of those questions, then keep reading. To succeed in your tourism related business, you need your target customer to be aware of your existence. That can occur in many ways: word of mouth, advertising, having a website, and promotion by other means (websites, travel agents and so on).

One of the very best ways, is to be seen on a high trafficked and relevant website such as this one. Website vistors are here for one reason, to research and gather information for their upcoming Fiji vacation. They want to know many things... where to stay, things to do and places to visit, what to expect with the weather, currency etc etc.

So if you want your business to be seen by potential customers, then a travel site such as this one offers a perfect vehicle to do that. And best of all it's totally free. No Cost To You. That's right, there is no cost, no catches, and you get free exposure for your business. We don't charge any "finders fees" or commissions of any sort.

We do get people questioning this occassionally. They aren't used to getting something for nothing, and tend to be suspicious of motives. After all there is no such thing as a free lunch, right?

Actually, this is a win-win-win situation. And those are the very best ones... situations where everyone comes out a winner, and there are no losers.

  • You win: free exposure and increased bookings at no cost to you
  • Our site vistors win: they get access to more information that they might not otherwise have
  • We win: by having more exclusive content on the site, which in turn attracts more vistors, and increases the value of the website

Who Is Eligible To Be Featured On This Website?

First, you must have an established business that caters to tourists, rather than locals. We are interested in featuring resorts, backpackers, homestays, transport services, tour operators, etc. Basically anything that is involved in the tourism service industry. Small ventures are just as welcome as bigger ones. The only criteria is that your business is related to servicing tourism in some way. If you offer a high quality, reliable, and reasonably priced operation, then we are interested in hearing from you.

How To Apply To Be Featured

Just fill out the contact form below, giving a brief description of you business, and we will be in touch. Once we have established initial contact, then we will discuss a suitable date to visit you.

A representative of the site will visit your operation to talk with you. We will get photographs, videos (if applicable) as well as all the details we need to create a page about your business. Once we have the information we need, then this will be turned into a webpage that is dedicated solely to your business. By solely, we mean there will not be advertising for other businesses on that page. It will be all about you

So the question is not "should I do this"? It's "can I afford not to do this" and the answer is simple. Free exposure, no costs, and your tourism business promoted in a positive light. You have nothing to lose, and only more customers to gain. We look forward to hearing from you.

Contacting Us About Being A Feature Business On This Site

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Fiji Travel Guide...

Phone: (+679) 777 6666
             (+679) 791 9115


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