Treasure Island Resort in fiji

We loved Treasure Island, you can see I'm quite relaxed in one of the many hammocks dotted around the stunning beach

Ok normally Treasure Island Resort is really expensive but they do sometimes put out some great specials.  If you manage to time it right you'll save a bucket load. We've researched booking from Treasures own website plus other major booking channels to find the best price package at Treasure Island Resort for you. We won't bore you with all the details about Treasure Island Resort here as it would make this page super long, you can get all that from their own website. We'll just give you the best priced package deals we found here.

Inside of an Island or Oceanfront Bure with newly renovated bathrooms which are awesome
View looking out from your Island Bure, get an Oceanfront Bure for better views - pretty nice either way!
Newly renovated Premium Beachfront Bures with loads of space with the beach right out front

Fiji Travel Guide...

Phone: (+679) 777 6666
             (+679) 791 9115


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